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Mickey's Vacation Club at a Minnie Price!

Buy This Saratoga Springs Resort Spa & Treehouses Property Now

Thank you for your interest! The seller has accepted an offer for this property but we will be happy to put you down as a "back-up" buyer should the current purchaser not fulfill their obligations. To do so, please read the costs as detailed below, complete the following information completely and hit submit. If the property becomes available an agent will contact you immediately and forward the proper documentation for you to proceed with the purchase.
Property Code: S1508EL1
Resort: Saratoga Springs Resort Spa & Treehouses
Points: 150
Use Year: Aug
Deed Expiration: 1/31/2054
Availability: All 150 points coming in August and all 150 coming in 2026!
Price Per Point: $105
Price: $15,750.00
Allotted Banked In Borrowed In Transferred In Hold Available Bankable
Previous Use Year: 2024 150 0
Current Use Year: 2025 150 150 150
Next Use Year: 2026 150 150 150

Total cost for this property will be the price of $15,750.00 plus the approximate closing costs of $610.00 plus the annual dues on 150 points from the current year's allocation at $8.54 per point: $1,281.00. This grand total is $17,641.00.

Make a selection:

Complete form:

Please enter your legal names below for every person, as they appear on your current DVC deed, if applicable, to make your offer.

Here are the links to look up your names as they appear on your existing Deed(s) quickly, before continuing:
Disney Vacation Club Resorts Orlando, FL
Disney Vacation Club California Resorts
Disney's Hilton Head Resort
Disney's Vero Beach Resort

If this is your first DVC contract, enter your name(s) as they appear on a government issued ID:

How many people will be on this purchase deed? They must be included now for the contract. Disney allows up to 4 people per deed. Each person must be available to sign all documents for buying, as well as for selling in the future. Each must be at least 18 years of age.

Number of people on purchase deed:

Legal Name for Deed 1:
Legal Name for Deed 2:
Legal Name for Deed 3:
Legal Name for Deed 4:

This address will be used by DVC By Resale, The Closing Agency and Disney Vacation Club to contact you.

Zip/Postal Code:

At least one phone number is required.

Best daytime phone:
Phone (Mobile):
Phone (Home):
Phone (Work):

The contract and further correspondence will be sent to this email address.

Email Address:

Who may we thank for referring you to us?

Referred by: (optional)

Is there any additional information you would like us to know about this offer?

Please check this box:

I understand that by submitting this information I am obligated and 100% committed to purchasing this property with all costs as detailed above.